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2024 Election

Wow! How the turns have tabled.

If you had told sophomore year Jasmin that she would not only be glad that Trump won for the second time after running in three different presidential elections but that she had voted for him, I would have told you that you were crazy. I would then ask, "Why am I glad that a misogynistic racist won the presidency?" So, let's sit down and dismantle this.


The main argument I've heard for this is that during his first term, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which sent the issue of abortion back to the states. The states are now to determine the laws they have regarding abortion, so that means they can restrict or broaden the accessibility. Therefore, abortion is still accessible and allowed. Your "right" to an abortion has not been taken away. You are still allowed to get an abortion if you want to. It might not be as easy in states with very restricted laws regarding abortion, but it is still available. The treatment for an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage is still allowed. Also, the treatment for this is not the same as an abortion. If you think doctors are going to go to jail for performing a life-saving procedure such as those mentioned above, I urge you to DO YOUR RESEARCH. Many have decided to join the 4b movement because of the fear that abortion will no longer be available ( which I cannot repeat enough: IT IS STILL AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE). And you know what, that is such a revolutionary idea. Who would have thought that if you do not want to get pregnant when you are not ready for that responsibility, you should not be having sex? Obviously, not the Catholics or conservatives.


Yes, things he's said have been out of pocket and are not the correct way to talk about people. He has been imprudent in his speech, but to say he's racist because he wants to put the citizens of the country he's leading first is even more imprudent. That is his responsibility as the leader of this country. As the daughter and sister of immigrants, I completely agree with his stance. And it's not because I've forgotten my roots or think I'm better than those coming in or whatever argument you want to throw at me. I know my roots, and because of that, I see that the democratic party has been lying to the immigrant voter and their family and friends for years. They have promised an immigration reform package, and as a matter of fact, it's written( by Maria Elvira Salazar), but they don't plan on following through with this promise. I agree with his stance because I've heard firsthand experiences of those suffering at the hands of immigrants who have entered the country through our unsecured border. I agree with his stance because those coming in legally with permission to work and live here are not taking advantage of those opportunities. In helping those coming in, our funds were depleted and could not be used to help the victims of the recent hurricanes. For that and many more, I agree.


So why did I vote for him? Because I appreciate what he did for the Pro-life movement during his first term. I'm happy that he returned the decision of abortion laws to the states. Because he's learned from his first term and has surrounded himself with many intelligent and diversely talented individuals this time. Because he cares for his citizens and wants to put them first. For this and many more, I decided that my morals and values were better reflected in his policies than in the other candidates. I find it sad that the Democratic party this year was able to run and earn so many votes by instilling fear in their followers.

I urge you to examine his policies, listen to him speak about what he wants to do, and look at what has already been done regarding officials in his cabinet—and he's not even in office yet! Look at how the world has reacted to his reelection. Don't let them continue to fearmonger you. Whether it's the media or a political party, please don't allow yourself to be spoken down to, to be made dumb, and be willing to be uncomfortable and listen to what is contrary to your beliefs; only then will we be able to grow.

May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.



Pink Sugar

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